Archive | January 2015

Saying Wha­­­­­­­t I Think

One of the great things about having this blog is that it is mine and mine alone (thanks to the nice people at wordpress who provide this facility) so there is no-one to edit what I say and potentially change the meaning (on the other hand I do republish on and they have failed to publish one I offered them – I think because it was a blatant plug for the UKAEE but that is their privilege and I was probably exploiting them a little).
In the past I’ve had what I’ve written modified by well meaning people a number of times with unfortunate consequences.
One that sticks in my mind relates to a time at British Gas when I was arranging a stand at a catering exhibition which had a focus on outdoor dining under the lapatio heaterbel “Al Fresco” . As I’d arranged a patio heater (They were just arriving to agas bbqccelerate Global Warming directly) and barbecue I was pushing that theme quite strongly and the name of the promotion featured often in the text. Only trouble came when the reprographics department brought the proofs in for approval (as usual they needed an answer NOW!) and I was out buying bricks (for the Barbecue) and one of my colleagues stepped into the breach . Unfortunately he didn’t know the term “al fresco” and removed every reference to that gentleman from my carefully crafted words – Sometimes it doesn’t pay to throw away the jargon of your industry and speak the language of your customer!

More to come on th subject…..